We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls & looks like work. ~Thomas Edison

In Person Class Schedule

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Solar Capacity

Wind Capacity

Solar Star

Mojave Wind Farm

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Power Systems Operation Training
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Luddington Pumped Storage

(Northwest Michigan) Six Turbines can operate as pumps or generators. Once upgrades are completed generator capacity close to 2,300 MW.

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Highland Wind Farm

Has 218 2.3 MW wind turbines (502 MW total). It is located in the northwest corner of Iowa and is in the MEC LBA (Local Balancing Authority) area.

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Mackinac HVDC

This 200 MW voltage sourced HVDC converter connects the upper & lower peninsulas of Michigan.

In-Person classes scheduled for 2025 include:

  • In-Person class “Power System Fundamentals for Operations Personnel” hosted by Otter Tail Power at the Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria, Minnesota. May 5-8, 2025. Contact Tammy Smith tsmith@otpco.com

    View Class Brochure

  • In-Person class "NERC Reliability Standards Training” hosted by Otter Tail Power at the Thumper Pond Resort in Otter Tail, Minnesota. September 22-25, 2025. Contact Tammy Smith tsmith@otpco.com

    View Class Brochure

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